META Tags are hidden text placed in the HEAD section of your HTML page that are used by most major search engines to index your site based on your keywords and descriptions. It is very important to use META Tags as well as a good TITLE if you expect to be found in most search engines. Note that META Tags are not the only thing search engines will look at when ranking your sites; and, also some search engines will ignore META Tags completely. Most search engines will also index your body text.
An advanced meta tag generator which produces 11 tags. These tags include:
(abstract, email, author, distributor, keywords, description, distribution, robots
rating, language, copyright)
All fields on this script are optional as to give you and your website users full control over the meta tags they want.
SiteByter is an intelligent search engine optimization software and top ranking web site creator! SiteByter Software will increase traffic and deliver premium rankings on the most popular Internet search engines.
Keyword Investigator is powerful interactive keyword research and marketing software designed to provide businesses with a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for web site promotion campaigns.