SuperBlast Opt-In Email Marketing
- Guaranteed Safe !
- Send out your E-mails to other Opportunity Seekers
We offer the most comprehensive targeted emailing services that you will find anywhere on the Internet.
The targeted marketing works best, and direct targeted email can be 10 times more effective in reaching the audience that is interested in your product than any other form of email advertising.
Targeted email ads provides one of the best values for advertising dollar.
What You Get in Your Ad Package
- Your Ad Blasted to 50,000 Safe Opt-In Email Addresses
- Your URL Submitted to 1000 Search Engines
- Your Ad Submitted to 500 Classified Sites
- You get a detailed report of each postimg
YOUR 1ST FREE GIFT! A $19.95 Value - FREE! Get 1,000 FREE Visitors through our pop-under adverising
| YOUR 2ND FREE GIFT! A $10 Value - FREE! Targeted Visitors from pay per click search engine
| YOUR 3RD FREE GIFT! A $5 Value - FREE! Silver Member Account - You will generate MORE free traffic as part of our internet marketing network
Place your order today and receive our free gifts ( $34.95 Value - FREE ) with SuperBlast Service purchase made here! | For a limited time only! |
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Advertising Service SuperBlast |
 StormPay is our authorized payment processor.
Great For Webmasters, Marketers, Business Opportunity enthusiasts. Also super for home based business ops and Network Marketing offers.
Guaranteed response!
We guarantee that a minimum of 1000 of list members mailed will visit your web site - or your money back.
Please Click Here to use this form to submit your Ad text. Your Ad text can also have active hyperlinks (email address and URL) to easily steer people directly to your Web Site.
Global SuperBlast Mails are broadcast within 1-3 business days.
Global SuperBlast Opt-In Email Marketing The best in targeted advertising services
Get a FREE SuperBlast Advertising and Earn CASH $$$
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ACT NOW and Reach your untapped market !
All advertising clients have full access to their comprehensive campaign statistic.
tracking service allows you to check your stats in real time by URL or date.
Special Offer: Total Blast Advertising
Quick Links
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BizOpp Email Advertising