Free Products and Earn Cash Affiliate Program
Instant Cash Affiliate Program
Affiliate Program (in-house)
Affiliate Program (clickbank)
Instant Cash $$$!
Instant PromoWinner, pays you $40 in cash commission the instant someone signs up using your affiliate link. The only affiliate program that pays its members instantly to their StormPay e-mail account without any month-long waiting! With PromoWinner.com you will get paid on time every time.
Earn Cash $$$!
Get a Free Online Service/Software and Earn Cash $$$. Earn 250% - Invest $50.00 - Receive $125.00 . That's right - a ONE TIME spend of $50.00 can return you $125.00 - NOT JUST ONCE - but OVER and OVER Again!
Make Money Online
You'll earn 40% commissions for every sale you make!
You get twice monthly commission checks! With Clicbank's affiliate program, checks are issued to you every 2 weeks! - no waiting a month or longer to be paid. Just one sale is needed to start receiving commission checks. Nothing is held up! - just one sale and you'll receive a check. |
Start making 1,000's of dollars instantly
Join our unique Affiliate Program today and start making 1,000's of dollars instantly! We payout 25% on all sales generated from your link, and an additional 15% on sales generated by your personal referrals. Includes a 2tier system up to 5 levels for clicks, sales and leads! This means that we pay a total of 40% to our affiliates on every sale.
Affiliate Program (clickbank)
This coud be the fastest and easiest money you ever make ...
You'll earn 40% commissions for every sale you make!
You get twice monthly commission checks!
With Clicbank's affiliate program, checks are issued to
you every 2 weeks! - no waiting a month or
longer to be paid. Just one sale is needed to start receiving
commission checks. Nothing is held up! - just one sale and you'll receive a check.
Join us now! It's FREE
to join, and you can earn 40% commission today!
It's simple to earn commissions by selling our product
on your website.
Through our new
ClickBank! affiliate program all affiliates that
refer customers to elmed.net will receive a huge 40% commission on each sale
you make! ELMED.NET is the real deal: Real Benefits, Real Services, Real Support, and most importantly Real Money.
To begin earning revenue
today, you must first visit ClickBank! and sign up to obtain your very own unique
ClickBank id. (Sign-up is FREE and
Once a member, you simply point your
potential customers to your unique ordering page with your very own
affiliate hoplink.
If anyone of your customers
chooses to purchase our service you receive a 40% commission on that
sale. Your checks come directly from ClickBank! twice a
Your special ordering hoplink
would look like this:
You simply replace the XXXXX with your unique clickbank id and you get
credit for each sale. It's that simple. ClickBank does the
rest including -- providing you with detailed reports and sending
out checks twice a month.
To Join Our
affiliate Program for FREE... Click Here
Add the Banner, Exit Popup and Gateway page to your site

Advertising Gateway Page for your site: Click Here
