Counts individual words on a web page. Displays top words and can suggest a "keywords" META tag that will give the highest ranking.
Use this keyword density analyzer to analyze the keyword density of keywords on your web site pages or measure the keyword density of your competition to determine the optimum keyword density for your keywords.
Most search engines are ranking websites according to complex formulas and algorithms which are usually different for each search engine. Also these algorithms are usually changed from time to time, for example Google famous Page Ranking system...
But also search engine bots are increasingly using keyword density as an important data when they compute the relevance of a given web site in their search engine results: link popularity or link association has become very popular. So it is several new emerging technologies such as Keyword Density, keyword optimisation and Keyword Frequency Analysis.
SiteByter is an intelligent search engine optimization software and top ranking web site creator! SiteByter Software will increase traffic and deliver premium rankings on the most popular Internet search engines.
Keyword Investigator is powerful interactive keyword research and marketing software designed to provide businesses with a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for web site promotion campaigns.