TOP-3 Search Positioning Service
We guarantee a Top Position on all major search engines!
Most Web site traffic and online purchases come from search engines or directories like Google, Yahoo or MSN. Get your share of that business, increase your online visibility, and make money on the Internet...with NEW TOP-3 Positioning Service.
The first page placement is vital to be effective on the Internet. If your site appears in searches beyond top ten, forget about being effective on the Internet.
We guarantee at least TOP-3 on Yahoo search engine group and first page ranking on Google group for your website based on 5 to 8 keyword search phrases.
We can position your web site with NO manipulation of your web pages, as long as your web site contains data related to the search results you're looking for.
If for any reason we cannot perform placement for your website, we will immediately issue a refund.
We research the best keyword phrases to get your website maximum traffic under our plans. Through our unique relationship with the search engines, we submit 5 to 8 of these keyword phrases, and 3-5 business days later, your website will appear in at least TOP-3 position on EACH of the major search engines including Yahoo, MSN, Excite, Lycos, Go, CNN, Infospace, Metacrawler, Dogpile, and more; or on the Google group first page on Google, AOL, Earthlink, Sympatico, and Ask Jeeves!
We monitor your website thereafter to ensure that you remain in top position.
All of our plans include 5 to 8 keyword phrases which we will select, based on frequency of use, relevancy and other factors. If you want additional keywords, or specific keywords, we will be glad to provide a quote for budgets greater than $500 a month.
YAHOO Group: Yahoo, Altavista, MSN, CNN, Excite, Juno, Net Zero, Sympatico, AlltheWeb, ESPN, Webcrawler, Infospace, Dogpile, Metacrawler, Overture, and the newspaper websites;
GOOGLE Group: Google, AOL, Netscape, Ask Jeeves, Earthlink, AT&T Worldlink, and CompuServe.
STARTER PLAN $29.95 /week - The Google search engine group (First page rank) for one-month of web positioning.
SILVER PLAN $39.95 /week - Choose either the Yahoo search engine group (Top-3 position) or the Google search engine group (First page position) for one-month of web positioning.
GOLD PLAN $79.95 /week - BOTH search engine groups for one-month of web positioning.
YOUR 1ST FREE GIFT! A $19.95 Value - FREE! Get 1,000 FREE Visitors per month through our pop-under adverising
| YOUR 2ND FREE GIFT! A $10 Value - FREE! Targeted Visitors from pay per click search engine XpertPages.com
| YOUR 3RD FREE GIFT! A $5 Value - FREE! Silver Member Account - You will generate MORE free traffic as part of our internet marketing network
Place your order today and receive our free gifts with any Top-3 Positioning Plan purchase made here! ( $34.95 per month Value - FREE )
For a limited time only!
Step 1: Buy Now
| $29.95 Search Engine Top Positioning STARTER PLAN
| $39.95 Search Engine Top Positioning SILVER PLAN
| $79.95 Search Engine Top Positioning GOLD PLAN
Step 2:
SignUp - Submit Your Site
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